Friday, January 24, 2014

Choosing The Best Forex Robot | What To Look For

What to look for when finding the best forex robot. In our vast and often long search to find the almighty "holy grail" one has a lot of options. I believe there really is no "holy grail" and there never will be one. Instead the holy grail is a robot that we as traders are very comfortable trading with. You see we do not really want too many bid surprises when we trade forex or any other instrument for that matter.

Below I have published a video to aid those just starting on their task of finding the EA that suits them well. These points are imperative to look for on your quest.

Remember to always look for an account which is trading real money. Also it is a good idea to contact the vendor via email. this will allow you to witness the responsiveness of the vendor and their professionalism(or lack of).