There is a new chart offered by Myfxbook. It is called market correlation.
You can type in the correlation criteria to find the least and/or most correlated forex currencies in real time.
Correlation ranges from -100% to +100%, where -100% represents currencies moving in opposite directions (negative correlation) and +100% represents currencies moving in the same direction.
"Correlation tells you how two currencies move in relation to each other. Currencies can have a positive correlation (meaning they move in the same direction) and a negative correlation (meaning they move in opposite directions). Why should you care? If you’re trading 2 currency pairs which have a very high positive correlation, you’re effectively increasing your risk as if one position goes against you, so will the other one, based on their correlation. On the other hand, if you trade two currencies which have a high negative correlation, you are unlikely to have both positions profitable at the same time, due to the negative correlation. This is why you should be aware of correlations which can in turn reduce risk and improve your returns."
For example if you want to check the correlation of any currency pair in relation to itself, it is going to be 100% correlation. In another example you may want to check the market correlation of the Aud/Usd vs. the Aud/Jpy and have a correlation of say 86%. This will vary at different times.